17 research outputs found

    Global phylogeny of Treponema pallidum lineages reveals recent expansion and spread of contemporary syphilis.

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    Funder: Queensland GovernmentSyphilis, which is caused by the sexually transmitted bacterium Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum, has an estimated 6.3 million cases worldwide per annum. In the past ten years, the incidence of syphilis has increased by more than 150% in some high-income countries, but the evolution and epidemiology of the epidemic are poorly understood. To characterize the global population structure of T. pallidum, we assembled a geographically and temporally diverse collection of 726 genomes from 626 clinical and 100 laboratory samples collected in 23 countries. We applied phylogenetic analyses and clustering, and found that the global syphilis population comprises just two deeply branching lineages, Nichols and SS14. Both lineages are currently circulating in 12 of the 23 countries sampled. We subdivided T. p. pallidum into 17 distinct sublineages to provide further phylodynamic resolution. Importantly, two Nichols sublineages have expanded clonally across 9 countries contemporaneously with SS14. Moreover, pairwise genome analyses revealed examples of isolates collected within the last 20 years from 14 different countries that had genetically identical core genomes, which might indicate frequent exchange through international transmission. It is striking that most samples collected before 1983 are phylogenetically distinct from more recently isolated sublineages. Using Bayesian temporal analysis, we detected a population bottleneck occurring during the late 1990s, followed by rapid population expansion in the 2000s that was driven by the dominant T. pallidum sublineages circulating today. This expansion may be linked to changing epidemiology, immune evasion or fitness under antimicrobial selection pressure, since many of the contemporary syphilis lineages we have characterized are resistant to macrolides

    Complete Genome Sequence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa K34-7, a Carbapenem-Resistant Isolate of the High-Risk Sequence Type 233

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    Carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa is defined as a “critical” priority pathogen for the development of new antibiotics. Here we report the complete genome sequence of an extensively drug-resistant, Verona integron-encoded metallo-β-lactamase-expressing isolate belonging to the high-risk sequence type 233

    Complete Genome Sequence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa K34-7, a Carbapenem-Resistant Isolate of the High-Risk Sequence Type 233

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    Carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa is defined as a “critical” priority pathogen for the development of new antibiotics. Here we report the complete genome sequence of an extensively drug-resistant, Verona integron-encoded metallo-- lactamase-expressing isolate belonging to the high-risk sequence type 233

    Agricultural origins of a highly persistent lineage of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis in New Zealand

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    Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium are human and animal gut commensals. Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) are important opportunistic pathogens with limited treatment options. Historically, the glycopeptide antibiotics vancomycin and avoparcin selected for the emergence of vancomycin resistance in human and animal isolates, respectively, resulting in global cessation of avoparcin use between 1997 and 2000. To better understand human- and animal-associated VRE strains in the postavoparcin era, we sequenced the genomes of 231 VRE isolates from New Zealand (NZ; 75 human clinical, 156 poultry) cultured between 1998 and 2009. E. faecium lineages and their antibiotic resistance carriage patterns strictly delineated between agricultural and human reservoirs, with bacitracin resistance ubiquitous in poultry but absent in clinical E. faecium strains. In contrast, one E. faecalis lineage (ST108) predominated in both poultry and human isolates in the 3 years following avoparcin discontinuation. Both phylogenetic and antimicrobial susceptibility (i.e., ubiquitous bacitracin resistance in both poultry and clinical ST108 isolates) analyses suggest an agricultural origin for the ST108 lineage. VRE isolate resistomes were carried on multiple, heterogeneous plasmids. In some isolate genomes, bacitracin, erythromycin, and vancomycin resistance elements were colocalized, indicating multiple potentially linked selection mechanisms.IMPORTANCE: Historical antimicrobial use in NZ agriculture has driven the evolution of ST108, a VRE lineage carrying a range of clinically relevant antimicrobial resistances. The persistence of this lineage in NZ for over a decade indicates that coselection may be an important stabilizing mechanism for its persistence.</p

    The Landscape for Emerging Health and Medical Academic Leaders in Australia

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    The Australian higher education system is a national asset, with early and mid career academics (EMCAs) representing half of the higher education workforce. These academics have roles which can include research, teaching and service activities.As the Australian Commonwealth government has committed to ‘drive lasting and transformative reform in Australia’s higher education system’ through the Australian Universities Accord, here we address the gap in available national data relating to the experiences and wellbeing of early and mid career academics.In this work, a comprehensive survey encompassed 660 eligible EMCAs from health and medical faculties across Australia, including seven states and territories and fourteen universities.Participants provided insights into workplace culture, well-being, and their views of the academic profession more broadly.Taken together, these responses detail aspects of the national higher education landscape that need to be addressed for the sector to be sustainable and to thrive in years to come.Ethics approval from the University of Melbourne: 2022-24986-35552-3</p

    RNase HI Depletion Strongly Potentiates Cell Killing by Rifampicin in Mycobacteria

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    Multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB) is defined by the resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative organism, to the first-line antibiotics rifampicin and isoniazid. Mitigating or reversing resistance to these drugs offers a means of preserving and extending their use in TB treatment. R-loops are RNA/DNA hybrids that are formed in the genome during transcription, and they can be lethal to the cell if not resolved. RNase HI is an enzyme that removes R-loops, and this activity is essential in M. tuberculosis: knockouts of rnhC, the gene encoding RNase HI, are nonviable. This essentiality makes it a candidate target for the development of new antibiotics. In the model organism Mycolicibacterium smegmatis, RNase HI activity is provided by two enzymes, RnhA and RnhC. We show that the partial depletion of RNase HI activity in M. smegmatis, by knocking out either of the genes encoding RnhA or RnhC, led to the accumulation of R-loops. The sensitivity of the knockout strains to the antibiotics moxifloxacin, streptomycin, and rifampicin was increased, the latter by a striking near 100-fold. We also show that R-loop accumulation accompanies partial transcriptional inhibition, suggesting a mechanistic basis for the synergy between RNase HI depletion and rifampicin. A model of how transcriptional inhibition can potentiate R-loop accumulation is presented. Finally, we identified four small molecules that inhibit recombinant RnhC activity and that also potentiated rifampicin activity in whole-cell assays against M. tuberculosis, supporting an on-target mode of action and providing the first step in developing a new class of antimycobacterial drug.</p

    The workplace culture, mental health and wellbeing of early- and mid-career health academics: a cross-sectional analysis

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    Abstract There are reports of poor working conditions for early and mid-career academics (EMCAs) in universities, however, empirical data using validated tools are scarce. We conducted an online, cross-sectional survey using validated tools to assess workplace satisfaction, exposure to workplace abuse, and mental health. Participants included employees of medical and health faculties of two of the largest Australian universities, surveyed between October 2020 and January 2021. Overall, 284 participants responded. Many reported job insecurity: half (50.7%) working on contracts with less than one remaining year. Workloads were considerable, with 89.5% of participants working overtime and 54.8% reporting burnout. Workplace abuse in the forms of bullying (46.6%), sexual harassment (25.3%), sexism (49.8%) and racism (22.5%) were commonly reported. Clinically significant symptoms of depression (28.0%), anxiety (21.7%) and suicidal ideation or self-harm (13.6%) were reported; with a higher prevalence among those working more overtime, and those exposed to workplace abuse. Priorities include providing a stable and safe workplace, increasing accountability and transparency in addressing workplace abuse, and supporting professional development. In summary, EMCAs in our study were commonly exposed to precarious employment conditions and workplace abuse. Our findings provide empirical evidence on where universities and funding bodies should direct resources and change organisational risk factors, to improve workplace culture

    Epitopes in the capsular polysaccharide and the porin OmpK36 receptors are required for bacteriophage infection of Klebsiella pneumoniae

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    Summary: To kill bacteria, bacteriophages (phages) must first bind to a receptor, triggering the release of the phage DNA into the bacterial cell. Many bacteria secrete polysaccharides that had been thought to shield bacterial cells from phage attack. We use a comprehensive genetic screen to distinguish that the capsule is not a shield but is instead a primary receptor enabling phage predation. Screening of a transposon library to select phage-resistant Klebsiella shows that the first receptor-binding event docks to saccharide epitopes in the capsule. We discover a second step of receptor binding, dictated by specific epitopes in an outer membrane protein. This additional and necessary event precedes phage DNA release to establish a productive infection. That such discrete epitopes dictate two essential binding events for phages has profound implications for understanding the evolution of phage resistance and what dictates host range, two issues critically important to translating knowledge of phage biology into phage therapies

    Bridging of Neisseria gonorrhoeae lineages across sexual networks in the HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis era

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    Whole genome sequencing (WGS) has been used to investigate transmission of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, but to date, most studies have not combined genomic data with detailed information on sexual behaviour to define the extent of transmission across population risk groups (bridging). Here, through combined epidemiological and genomic analysis of 2,186N. gonorrhoeae isolates from Australia, we show widespread transmission of N. gonorrhoeae within and between population groups. We describe distinct transmission clusters associated with men who have sex with men (MSM) and heterosexuals, and men who have sex with men and women (MSMW) are identified as a possible bridging population between these groups. Further, the study identifies transmission of N. gonorrhoeae between HIV-positive and HIV-negative individuals receiving pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Our data highlight several groups that can be targeted for interventions aimed at improving gonorrhoea control, including returning travellers, sex workers, and PrEP users